All change….

Me!It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been almost 18 months since my last blog post, but so much has happened during that time that it has actually flown by for me.

If you’re a regular reader (hopefully there are a few of you left!) you’ll be aware that I took on the role of Group Organiser for the Bristol Coeliac UK Local Group, but having instigated the revival of the group some years earlier, I felt that my involvement in the group should finally come to an end and the reigns should be passed on to someone else, so I resigned from my role and from the committee back in May.

It was a tough decision for me to make, but I needed to get some ‘me’ time back. My little one is now 2 years old and full of energy, so it’s nice to have more time with him and not worry about planning the next meeting or event, instead I’m organising play dates and day trips! Continue reading

I’m back!

Since the early part of last year things have been pretty quiet on my blog for various
reasons. Firstly I was busy planning our wedding, then we moved house and now we have a baby! As a result blogging had to take something of a back seat.

However, there’s good news….. I’m back! 🙂 Continue reading

Happy Birthday ‘Not A Trace’!!

On the 3rd April 2013 I set up my Not A Trace gluten free blog as an outlet for me to share my views on gluten free products and venues. Exactly one year later and it has had more than 14,000 views – for a little blog I’m quite proud of that figure!

I was fortunate that when I started my blog I had just left a permanent job in order to return to auditing, so I had the time to concentrate on setting up the blog and making sure that it had enough posts to make it relatively self-sufficient as I knew I wouldn’t be able to commit to it as much when I was back at work. Continue reading