LumberJack Bars

lumberjack-logoThe early days of being a new mum proved quite hard for me, but one thing that really got me through was a well-timed delivery of LumberJack Bars!

I spent the first week home from hospital effectively stuck in one room as I had a few mobility issues, so Rich was making sure that I was well fed so that I could look after the baby, but mealtimes were a bit hit and miss.

As a result, snacks proved to be very useful for providing that extra bit of fuel, especially protein packed ones…. Continue reading

Mullion Cove Gluten Free Fairings

IMAG1357-2Whilst visiting Everything Bagels a few weeks ago, at the Whiteladies Road Farmers and Fair Trading Market, I unintentionally came across Mullion Cove and their gluten free ginger and spiceĀ fairings on a neighbouring stand.

For avid readers of my blog you will be aware that my posts cover both Bristol and West Cornwall and given that the name of this company is Mullion Cove, you’d be forgiven for being a little bit confused at the moment – when I first came across the company I was too! Continue reading